Global Media & Streaming
Planet Earth III
BBC Studios Natural History Unit, co-produced with BBC America, ZDF and France Télévisions
Building a direct relationship with audiences around the world
BBC Studios' Global Media & Streaming business covers international direct-to-consumer streaming platforms, such as BritBox International, TV channels, content monetization and the commercial operations of BBC News outside of the UK and, the world’s widest read English-language news site.
The business includes 33 BBC-branded wholly-owned and operated channel feeds available in over 120 territories offering thousands of broadcast hours and titles. These range from BBC Earth which specialises in high-end natural history and factual shows, all the way through drama, entertainment and travel, to CBeebies for younger audiences. In recent years, the business has been at the forefront of launching FAST (Free Ad Supported Television) channels around the world, offering global audiences on-demand access to programming around key themes or genres.
Additionally, BBC Studios co-owns channels with other broadcasting partners such as BBC AMERICA with AMC Networks, BBC Earth with Sony in India, and BBC Earth and BBC First with Blue Ant Media in Canada.

Bringing the best British content to the world
With a slate of almost 44k hours of distinct, high-quality programming across all genres from our Content Studio, Global Media and Streaming leverages BBC Studios’ global reach and commercial strength to deliver award-winning content to international streamers and linear TV providers.
Our titles span global entertainment icon Dancing with the Stars, children’s smash hit Bluey, natural history super-landmark Planet Earth III, critically-lauded dramas Happy Valley and Doctor Who, and hit game show format, The 1% Club.

We also own and operate UKTV, offering a range of genre-focused channels including Dave, W, and Yesterday. In 2023 the network delivered a record-breaking year with an 8.81% share of commercial TV audiences.